Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Benefits of Stairs


Jun 14, 2011 | By Jake Wayne
Calories Burned Per Flight of Stairs
Photo Credit Southern Stock/Digital Vision/Getty Images
Fitness gurus from Bruce Lee to Bill Phillips have recommended using stairs instead of an elevator as a convenient way to contribute to weight loss and physical fitness. It works because climbing up stairs burns more calories than walking on flat ground, and a lot more calories than standing still in an elevator.


A 150-lb. person burns 9 calories per minute walking up a flight of stairs, according to health reference website HealthStatus, Fitness coach Ben Cohn states that walking up a standard flight of stairs takes between 15 and 30 seconds for a person in average shape. That works out to approximately 2 to 4 calories per flight.
How much you weigh is a major factor in how many calories an exercise burns. Heavier people carry around more weight, and have to work harder in most activities. A 180-lb. person climbing a flight of stairs burns between 2 1/2 to 5 calories per flight. A lighter person would burn fewer calories.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/297386-calories-burned-per-flight-of-stairs/#ixzz27aKsXmzx

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