Wednesday, December 28, 2011

E-cooking video

Chicken Soup Video


  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 4 to 5 lb chicken pieces, skin removed
  • 1 cup chopped celery
  • 1 cup chopped onions
  • 5 carrots, cut into 1/2-inch slices
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp black pepper
  • 1 Tbsp minced garlic
  • 1 tsp sage
  • 1 cup frozen corn
  • 1 can (28 oz) whole peeled tomatoes, optional
  • 2 qts water
  • 1 cup cooked yolk free whole wheat egg noodles


  1. In a 4-quart Dutch oven or stock pot heat oil over medium high heat until hot.
  2. Place chicken pieces in pot and sear each side for 1 minute. Add celery, onions, carrots, salt, pepper, garlic, sage, corn, tomatoes (if using) and water and bring to a boil. Cover; reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour and 45 minutes, or until meat falls off the bone.
  3. Remove soup from heat and let it rest for 15 minutes. Skim off and discard fat from soup. Remove chicken from pot. Cut meat from bones. Return meat to soup. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low; simmer uncovered, 10 to 15 minutes or until heated through.
  4. Add cooked noodles and stir.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Benefits of Drinking Water

Diet, Exercise and Water For A Healthier Body

By Midas on 20th January, 2010 
While other people are struggling to lose some weight, losing weight and maintaining it is so easy for me. It’s just a matter of diets that work, exercise and water intake.
Choosing the kinds of food to eat plays the biggest role. If you love to eat fatty, sweet, preserved and processed foods rather than fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains, better not expect to lose some weight.
Yes, you may lose some weight if you just take it in in small amounts but there’s a big tendency for you not to maintain your desired weight. A healthy low-fat and sweets diet that emphasizes fruits, vegetables and grains could not just help you lose weight but also not to worry about gaining pounds back. You just need to make it part of your lifestyle so as exercise.
Water is of great help too in lossing weight aside from diet that work and exercise. Drinking 1-2 glasses of water at least 30 minutes before meal could make you feel full, making you eat less while it helps your body burn fat more efficiently and wash the toxins out of your body. So, better practice to drink at least 8 glasses of plain water a day.

December Activities, Challenges, Other & On-going

December 16, 2011 – Fitness Class – Yoga
Collect Donations
Service Project
Maintain Don’t Gain Healthy Utah Challenge
Registration October 1-November 20; Challenge November 21-December 31

5 for 5 Challenge
5 Flights of Stairs 5 times daily
Food of the Month
Root Vegetables
Exotic Fruits
Stress Less Challenge
Healthy Utah Sign-up
Registration August 1-31; Challenge September 1-30
Workout Warriors
Healthy Utah Monthly Challenge

December 4-10 National Hand washing Awareness Week
Safe Toys & Gifts Month

Air Quality at Work
Be Active Your Way
E-Cooking Videos
Available on blog and website
Laughing Board
Healthy Recipe Exchange
Laughing Board
Run A Race
Walk with Co-workers
Walking & Exercise Group
Workout Warriors
Worksite Farmer’s Market