Monday, November 28, 2011

E-cooking video

How to Cut an Avocado Video

Instead of mayonnaise, spread avocado on your sandwich. Avocado has 75 percent less fat and calories than mayo. The healthy fats in avocados are the same type found in olive oil.
Find more recipes like this one under How to Cook Videos



    1. Avocados are easy to prepare when they are ripe. Here are some avocado tips:
    2. How to Choose an Avocado: Look for firm fruit that has no blemishes. A healthy avocado should feel heavy for its size.
    3. How to Store Avocados: Keep avocados at room temperature for a few days until ripened. When ripe, the skin will darken, and the fruit will give when you press gently. Refrigerate after ripened.
    4. How to Cut Avocado: With a large knife, slice avocado in half, around (not through) the pit. If the avocado is very ripe, carefully, but sharply, hit the pit with a knife. Keep knife in the pit, twist the pit, and pull out. If the avocado is not fully ripened, remove the pit with a spoon. Use a spoon to scoop out avocado flesh.

    Tuesday, November 8, 2011

    E-cooking video

    How to Make a Pie Crust;How-to-Cook-Videos
    No need for Grandma's magic rolling pin or her secret recipe with a little homemade pie-making know-how from the Taste of Home.

    Tuesday, November 1, 2011

    Benefits of Drinking Water

    Importance of Water
    During sweltering summers, it is certainly necessary to keep the body sufficiently hydrated. But the importance of water is often realised only when we are excessively thirsty. However, thirst quenching is just a basic function of water.

    Importance of water can be easily understood if we know the vital functions it has in the human body. These include:
    It helps with metabolism
    Transmitting the nutrients and oxygen in blood cells
    Regulating the body temperature
    Keeping the skin hydrated and maintaining its suppleness
    The human body contains 55 to 78 percent water. Apart from the blood, water is also present in tissues, muscles, bones and brain.

    The importance of water for a younger looking skin cannot be ignored. Most women spend huge amounts on artificial cosmetics and other solutions for a better skin. But drinking adequate amount of water can go a long way to actually improve skin quality. Water replenishes the skin tissues and keeps it hydrated, increasing the elasticity and softness of skin.

    If you are trying to lose weight, you certainly cannot overlook the importance of water. Drinking good quantities of water can kill the urge to munch between meals. It also helps to flush down the by- products after fat breakdown in the body.

    For those who are into strenuous work-outs or regular exercising, the importance of water lies in its ability to regulate the body temperature. It also keeps the muscles and joints lubricated, preventing you from sudden cramps and sprains.

    The importance of water also includes its pivotal role in curing ailments such as chronic fatigue, headaches, diabetes, colitis and high blood pressure.

    When the body does not get sufficient fluids, it starts deriving the same from the sources within. This depletes the water in the body and in severe cases may lead to dehydration. Chronic dehydration may also cause serious problems of kidney and heart. Indeed the importance of water is also clear from its function in diluting the calcium in urine. If this calcium crystallises, it can form kidney stones in the body.

    The importance of water for the vital systems of body and over all well being makes it imperative to consume it in some form or other. On an average the human body needs at least two litres of water daily. Hence 7 to 8 glasses of water must be consumed. In summers or after a work out, when the body starts perspiring, the requirement increases further. Fizzy or alcoholic drinks are not a substitute for water. Some quantity of water can be derived from fruit juices and fresh vegetables in salads such as cucumber, carrots, lettuce and tomatoes.

    While understanding the importance of water, it must also be remembered that plain water must be taken in it purest form. Water must be filtered to ensure the removal of all impurities before consumption.

    To ensure a balanced diet, we plan food from all groups for adequate nutrition. But the importance of water must not be overlooked as it is this fluid that largely helps in the utilisation of all primary nutrients.

    November Activities, Challenges, Other & On-going

    November 18, 2011 Fitness Classes – Strengthening
    Maintain Don’t Gain Healthy Utah Challenge
    Registration October 1-November 20; Challenge November 21-December 31
    American Diabetes Month
    Collect Donations
    Service Project
    National Smokeout Challenge 
    Give up smoking or smoking else
    November 17, 2011 Great American Smokeout

    5 for 5 Challenge
    5 Flights of Stairs 5 times daily
    Food of the Month
    Run A Race
    Stress Less Challenge
    Healthy Utah Sign-up
    Registration August 1-31; Challenge September 1-30
    Workout Warriors
    Healthy Utah Monthly Challenge

    November 6-12 Drowsy Driving Prevention Week
    November 13, 2011 – World Kindness Day
    November 14, 2011 – World Diabetes Day
    November 21, 2011 – World Hello Day
    The objective is to say hello to ten people on the day. By greeting others, the message is for world leaders to use communication rather than force to settle conflicts.
    National Healthy Skin Month
    National Stomach Cancer Awareness Month

    Air Quality at Work
    Be Active Your Way
    E-Cooking Videos
    Available on blog & website
    Laughing Board
    Healthy Recipe Exchange

    Laughing Board
    Run A Race
    Walk with Co-workers
    Walking & Exercise Group
    Workout Warriors
    Worksite Farmer’s Market