Biggest Loser Winner Categories
There will be a winner in each of the following categories:
1. Men; male employee with the biggest percentage lost.
2. Women; female employee with the biggest percentage lost.
3. Overall Weight Loss; Winner of this category for the employee that loses the most weight.
4. Healthy; This category is for those employees that do not need to lose weight and become healthier by healthy eating habits, stretch & strengthen muscles and exercise.
5. Couples; Winners of this category is a couple, either employee and spouse, employee and friend or employee and family member. Both participants percentage lost will be added together to determine the winner.
How does the percentage work?
Percentage is determined by your starting weight and your monthly weigh-in weight.
For example a participant starting weight is 157 pounds they lose 15 pounds;
15 divided by 157 - to get 0.09554 - or 9.554% loss.
A second participant’s starting weight is 272 pounds they lose 20 pounds;
20 divided by 272 - to get 0.07352 - or 7.352% loss.
So for the higher weight to have the same percent loss they would need to lose at least 26 pounds or more. This number comes from multiplying the 272 by the higher loss percentage 272 x .09554 = 25.987
Winners will be announced at the Award Ceremony held April 2, 2011 at Memorial Park. It will be held after the “Pay It Forward 5k/1 mile Challenge.”
For just participating, each employee will receive 2 hours of comp time. Each employee that wins in any of the six categories will receive an addition 8 hours of comp time. Additional prizes will be announced as they are approved.
Sign-up you, your spouse, family member or even a friend that needs some help. Here is your chance to “Pay It Forward” to someone else, even if you don’t need to lose weight, you probably know someone that does. There will be monthly meeting were you will learn exercise and healthy lifestyle tips.
The first meeting is December 16, 2010. The incentive starts January 1, 2011 and will end on March 31, 2011.